【7月22日】長井健司記者 関連記事

5. 高村大臣より、長井健司氏死亡事件に関し、長井氏の遺留品の返還及び事件の真相究明につき引き続きニャン・ウイン外相の協力を求めたい旨述べ、これに対しニャン・ウイン外相より、担当は内務省であるが、引き続き所掌の範囲内でできる限りの協力をしたいと述べた。

コメント / トラックバック369件

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  6. pit 2011 より:

    okay so i downloaded firefox. i’ve been using firefox for a while, and all a sudden when i x’ed out my firefox and opened it again it wont go to websites, it wont even say page not displayed. it will just be blank. so i unstalled it and re stalled it and it worked when it was launched from the reinstal but when i x’ed it out again and opened it it showed blank. does anyone know how i can fix this????.

  7. pit-37 より:

    I have to write about two pages for creative writing. Do you have any ideas that I could use, or a topic for by paper? Thank you!.

  8. pity 2011 より:

    Is there a service available that geotags blog posts while on the go and is able to post to map with others?

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  10. Ron Parriera より:

    He has also been a situational player killing penalties on a team that has the second best PK in the entire NHL.